1. How did the Foundation get started. Where is it located?
2. What do volunteers do? How can I volunteer?
3. What happens to donations? Where do I send my donation?
4. Besides volunteers and donations, what else does the Foundation need?
5. Is there a yearly membership? If so, how much?
Before the Foundation had a name, meetings were held by concerned Americans of many ethnic backgrounds beginning in 1997. The goal was and is to help relations among all Americans. As time went by, the group first called itself the American Slaves Society because the belief was that helping to eliminate the remnants of American slavery would be the greatest challenge. If done correctly, a significant step for equality for everyone might be accomplished within fifty years of intense volunteer work. As the group grew into an organization, the name of the American Slaves Foundation was adopted.
The Foundation has chapters in 28 states and the District of Columbia. Volunteers have donated the use of their homes and offices as locations for the exchange of information and for meetings. The headquarters is in Washington, DC.
You choose your way of volunteering. As a volunteer, you can do as much of the following as you care to do:
Distribute literature about the Foundation and African American Reunion registration forms to individuals and genealogical clubs, as well as to civic, social, religious, governmental and other organizations, and everywhere else.
Photocopy the forms for you or for someone else to distribute.
Set up tables during local functions to have people fill out their Ancestry forms.
Pass out sign-up forms for others to become volunteers.
Organize volunteers in your city.
Organize Black History Month, Juneteenth, and other celebrations..
Fill out Ancestry forms for those who cannot do so for themselves.
Use your computer to go online to help others (who do not have computer access) to search for their relatives (when the online database becomes available on this web site).
Guidelines for the following are being created. However, you may begin before we have the forms and databases ready (which will be quite a long time until the finalized versions are available). You can request email to be sent to you when the finalized versions are ready.
The following is the for the most dedicated volunteers
who will take the time to record our history for future generations.
Locate elderly African Americans living within your area and interview them.
(1) Fill out their Ancestry forms.
(2) On a note pad, write their memories of what their relatives told them about slavery. Include masters' names, plantation locations (near which city), and everything that they can remember. Include all of the details that they mention. Pull as much information as possible from them. Write it in their own words. Do not edit. Do not change their phrasing.
(3) Write in detail about events that made a personal impact on their lives because of segregation. Write it in their own words. Do not edit. Do not change their phrasing.
(4) Have them sign a release form if they agree to let the Foundation use their information on this web site -- WITHOUT publishing their names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Otherwise, it will remain in our archives.
(5) Take photographs of the interviewees (and of the interviewees' relatives), if you can. If you take the relatives' photos, indicate their names, addresses, and telephone numbers, such as: Photo #1 through #6 is Sally Jenkins, #7 is Mary Jenkins, and so on. Get a release for them, also.) The Foundation will reimburse your for the cost of your printed photos -- or you may send undeveloped film and we'll have it developed. PLEASE NOTICE: Let us know before you photograph the above. Our budget is not unlimited. We will need your original receipt(s). (Maybe you will waive part of your costs as your donation to the Foundation.)
(6) Tape record or video record, if possible. The Foundation will reimburse you for the cost of your tape(s). PLEASE NOTICE: Let us know before you record the above. Our budget is not unlimited. We will need your original receipt(s). (Maybe you will waive part of your costs as your donation to the Foundation.)
(7) If your printed handwriting is clear, you do not need to type the interview. Mail all information to: American Slaves Foundation, PO Box 76622, Washington, DC 20013Locate elderly descendents of slave owners and follow 2-7 above.
You can volunteer now -- with no long-term commitment. If, for any reason after you volunteer, you cannot perform at least one of the above tasks on a periodic basis, just let us know.
If you can think of other ways to help the Foundation, please tell us.
Please volunteer now by sending an email.
Every person who works for the Foundation is a volunteer. There are no paid employees. 100% of every donation is spent for the goals listed on this site. No one has an expense account. In fact, most volunteers never ask to be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses. All purchases made on behalf of the Foundation are backed up by receipts along with the reason for each expense. We do not waste precious donations.
American Slaves Foundation
PO Box 76622
Washington, DC 20013
We can notify you by email when online donation becomes available.
We also are appreciative of up-to-date office equipment (old equipment causes so many problems) and office supplies.
Suggestions: About everything that you can think of that would help our programs
Grants: Information about sources for grants (and help in writing the proposal, if you can)
Links: If you have a web site, please place a link on it that connects to:
http://www.AmericanSlavesFoundation.org (Make certain that the word "slaves" is plural.)
The Foundation does not have memberships, as such. We will include everyone who wants to participate regardless of their financial situation. We hope that those who donate will include a little extra. We are very appreciative of those who send a little every month.
Our address is: American Slaves Foundation, PO Box 76622, Washington, DC 20013 or call 202-824-0824. Thank you so much.
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